Addressing Your Fears

I did a virtual workshop last week on Acupressure for Emotional Healing. As I prepared for it, some emotions surfaced that I had to face. Fear was one of those emotions that came up. I realized as I’ve returned back to work and it hasn’t been as busy as it was pre-covid, I thought about money and lots of other things in a fearful way. It was all based on a scarcity mindset. 

Fear is one of those emotions that may come up when you go beyond your comfort zone or are confronted with the unknown. It’s a reaction to our body’s perception of a limit, danger or threat. Instead of avoiding fear, you can use it as an opportunity to face challenges and going deeper within yourself. I did just that, with some deep breathing, meditation and acupressure, I was able to connect with my body and see what it was trying to tell me. I got clarity on some things and was able to move through it.

When Fear comes up, do not suppress it because it will return, and probably when you are not expecting it. Embrace it and give thanks for it showing up and gain awareness of what message is being given. 

A good affirmation is - There is Nothing to Fear, All is Well.

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